DiGRA Australia Constitution
DiGRA Australia is structured as an incorporated association in Australia, registered in Victoria. As an incorporated association we are guided by rules set out in our Constitution.
Download the current DiGRA Australia Constitution (PDF)
DiGRA Australia is a proudly democratic organisation. Our rules not only ensure that we can run effectively as a legal entity to support game studies research in Australia and New Zealand, but also that members of DiGRA Australia can contribute directly to how the association is led and operates.
The constitution is a lengthy and detailed document, but for quick reference some of its key sections explain:
- the rights of members of the association (§13)
- procedures for dealing with grievances (§25–29)
- the purpose of our Annual General Meetings and how they work (§30, §34–38)
- the purpose and responsibilities of the roles that comprise the DiGRA Australia Board (§42–48), and how members are elected to these roles (§49–55)
- how the association’s finances are managed (§68–71)
DiGRA Australia Board
As established in Victorian legislation and our Constitution, the governance of DiGRA Australia is the responsibility of an elected board. The board sets the organisation’s direction, oversees its affairs and makes sure the association’s legal obligations are met. The DiGRA Australia board works to ensure that our organisation effectively supports game studies research in Australia and New Zealand, delivers annual conferences and fosters our community.
The positions on our board are:
- President: runs meetings and usually represents the association publicly.
- Vice-president: takes on the role of the chairperson at meetings when the President is not available.
- Treasurer: deals with the financial affairs of the association.
- Secretary: reports to Consumer Affairs Victoria, organises meetings, deals with documents and maintains records of the association.
- Board Member: contributes generally to the governance of the organisation and ensuring its purposes are being achieved.
Victorian law outlines that all members of the board are collectively responsible for:
- maintaining the association’s financial viability
- ensuring the association’s purposes are being achieved
- keeping up to date with legal requirements
- signing contracts on the association’s behalf.
For even more information, see the Committee and committee members and Secretary explanations provided by Consumer Affairs Victoria.
If you have any questions or matters to raise in relation to our Constitution or the way the organisation works, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with either the DiGRA Australia President or Secretary in the first instance.